Trusted Traffic Ticket and Municipal Court Defense in Clifton, NJ, and Surrounding Areas

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Have you been hit with a motor vehicle violation, drug charge, disorderly persons charge, or city ordinance violation in Clifton, NJ? Scared this might result in you going to jail or receiving extensive fines? You need an experienced and trusted attorney on your side who is ready to fight for your rights!

Zoecklein Law Firm has defended people in the Clifton, NJ, area for over 30 years. Many people who end up in Municipal Court have never been charged with a crime before. We will sit down with you to review the pending charges, discuss the potential penalties, and evaluate your case to find the best course of action. Bring all your paperwork related to your charge and let us get to work defending your case!

Criminal Defense — Clifton, NJ — Zoecklein Law Office

Being charged with a crime does not make you a bad person. It means you were caught in a bad situation. Contact our office today for a free initial consultation!

Traffic Violation Representation

Compared to other offenses, traffic violations may not seem significant. They don’t carry the harsh penalties of major crimes, but they can still have life-changing consequences. You could risk losing your driver's license depending on the violation and how many offenses you have. If you are in jeopardy of losing your license, you must contact our office to come to your defense. We will work to have charges reduced or even dismissed so you can keep your license.

We’d love to hear from you! Call our friendly team at (973) 777-3111

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